
Adjuvant therapy: Treatment to keep cancer from returning

Is adjuvant therapy for you?

As you're deciding whether adjuvant therapy is right for you, you might want to discuss the following issues with your doctor:

  • What procedures are you considering? Find out exactly what will be expected of you during adjuvant therapy. Do you have to see your doctor for injections or will you take pills at home?
  • What are the side effects? What side effects are you willing to live with? What might be too much to tolerate? Do you plan to work or stay active during treatment? Could side effects interfere with your plans? How long will these side effects last? Are any of these side effects permanent?
  • How long will you need to take this therapy? Adjuvant treatments may last from just a few weeks to as long as 10 years. Understand what the recommendations are and why.
  • What are the chances you'll stay cancer-free? Understand how likely it is that your cancer will return if you decide against further therapy and how much improvement you might experience if you do undergo additional therapy. Your doctor can estimate how well your treatment will work based on comparisons with data from studies of other people with your same type of cancer, at the same stage and given the same treatment.
  • How is your overall health? People who are otherwise healthy may experience fewer side effects during adjuvant therapy and are more likely to benefit from the therapy. People with severe health problems may be more likely to experience side effects during adjuvant therapy and may be less likely to benefit from the therapy. If you have significant other health problems, such as heart disease or severe lung disease, then the adjuvant treatments may not help you achieve your health goals.
  • What is your preference? Some people want to do everything possible to reduce the chance that their cancer will return, no matter the side effects. Others choose not to tolerate extra side effects if there is likely to be little benefit. Ask your doctor what they recommend and why. These decisions can be very difficult, and your doctor can help you decide whether or not the benefits of adjuvant therapy outweigh the risks for you.
  • What is the cost of the therapy? Most adjuvant therapies recommended by your doctor will be covered by health insurance. However, some medications and procedures can carry substantial out-of-pocket expenses or copays. Make sure you understand how adjuvant treatment may impact your finances and if the benefits are worth the expense to you.